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D: There are 2 usb-c port in the back.. where to connect?

Domandata da jvp4ant il 2022-05-26 03:17:33

Bricola Hello, I know, I've got the same question for myself, the installation paper was only half and cut ... After looking on the Internet, I found a video and some other infos. In fact, you have to connect the USB-C cable to the USB-C socket on the edge of the board, not the one in the middle (even thought there is not enough place for the connector). Install the software, connect the unit, install the driver (if needed), select a Theme and RUN. That's it.

2022-05-27 11:32:17 Utile (2)
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Geoff You don't actually need a special tool, which, in any case is only a 13mm spanner. After removing the sensor from the tyre valve, simply remove the locking washer (which isn't held in by anything - so a fingernail is the only tool you need) unscrew the top which is only finger tight but in desperation a pair of pliers used carefully will be OK. Then remove and replace the CR1632 lithium battery and reassemble.

2023-06-12 07:57:42 Utile (0)
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