Le mie domande

D: Is it too, including the battery?

Domandata da arisandisaputra il 2018-04-26 17:19:34

Jknaphus Battery is not included in this item.

2018-05-03 04:27:45 Utile (0)
Risposte (1)

D: apakah sudah sama baterai nya?

Domandata da arisandisaputra il 2018-04-19 01:48:24

Whaleyt Hello, I'm sorry that I don't quite understand what you mean. Could you please put it more clear to me ?

2018-05-04 02:09:44 Utile (0)
Risposte (1)

D: apakah bisa buat syma x8pro

Domandata da arisandisaputra il 2018-03-03 07:13:54

Glumewas It can compatible with syma x8pro.

2018-04-07 02:42:11 Utile (0)
Risposte (1)