Le mie domande

D: Where to buy extra filter for this unit?

Domandata da BG223450444 il 2020-09-19 08:13:37

capopesch Hello, could you please inform where to get the correct replacement filters. BR Peter

2020-12-07 06:34:29 Utile (0)
Risposte (2)

D: Is the panel txt written in English?

Domandata da BG223450444 il 2020-09-13 08:42:19

Twilightwas This problem can be consulted to online customer service

2020-10-14 01:20:26 Utile (0)
Risposte (1)

D: Why no one answers the questions here? How could you sell stuff?? 😁

Domandata da BG223450444 il 2020-10-05 02:11:05

The seller you can contact help center. https://www.banggood.com/help_center

2020-11-06 06:27:25 Utile (1)
Risposte (1)