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rcast It's totally NOT compatible. It doesn't fit perfectly and it needs to fixed or drill to adapt it. Such a shame a so expensive price for something really not specific! Surely not suggested!

2019-11-25 01:50:55 Utile (0)
risposta (5)

D: Anyone bought it for a CMS F16plus?

Domandata da rcast il 2019-10-05 10:19:22

Oth_zenGeta sorry, i do not bought is for a CMS F16plus. you could contact the supplier for help.

2019-11-04 08:52:02 Utile (0)
risposta (1)

rcast Posso sapere su quale tipo di monopattino o bicicletta lo hai montato?

gianniutx 08/03/2019
Commento (2)