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D: Can we confirm if this is a v2?

Domandata da BG138501435 il 2021-12-10 06:43:01

SM291282 The seller acting dumb 🤣

2022-05-12 01:45:50 Utile (1)
risposta (7)

SM291282 you'll find if you look into it it doesn't have the original flight controller and ESC in it that's why nothing lines up and it doesn't have type C USB! they have changed it to cheap internals

BG231164404 19/01/2022
Commento (1)

SM291282 you'll find if you look into it it doesn't have the original flight controller and ESC in it that's why nothing lines up and it doesn't have type C USB! they have changed it to cheap internals

ShaneSchilders 11/11/2021
Commento (1)

SM291282 what flight controller is in it? fix the add! I want my money back!

2022-03-26 09:27:14 Utile (0)
risposta (2)

SM291282 get some braso from the hardware put a little bit on a microfiber cloth and rub the scratches until they are gone, if they are deep you might need to sand it back first with 1200 grit wet and dry then use the braso

Hamidnazer 25/08/2020
Commento (2)