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D: I see RX/TX pins what is their purpose ?

Domandata da pesoft il 2019-09-24 03:03:46

Scattering Seemsthat it can be controlled by serial communication. google up "eevblog little-chinese-dds-functionsignal-generator-4-pin-header" Also found a manual with supposedly the software, but seems sketchy, and the size exceed hybrid analysis maximum size

2021-09-14 03:17:34 Utile (1)
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Scattering I don't know how shipping tracking works. I bought a cheap (17 usd) vacuum cleaner and got full tracking despite hearing before the same that Jorgehpm said (25 USD threshold). Regardless, this is was a question for customer support, not the items question section. While this may no longer help you, hope it helps future buyers.

2021-08-07 03:22:46 Utile (1)
risposta (4)

D: how does it show so much detail with only 8x8?

Domandata da BG317183775 il 2021-08-04 04:08:22

Badboy the sensor is 8x8 mm the screen is 27x30 mm

2021-08-04 04:38:51 Utile (0)
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