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D: Can i use 25xx props

Domandata da suoth il 2021-04-01 01:33:19

Billber Shaft: φ1.5mm

2021-04-06 01:55:38 Utile (0)
risposta (1)

D: Can i use 25xx props

Domandata da suoth il 2021-04-01 01:32:38

WiniTang The propeller Shaft is φ1.5mm. You can check it.

2021-04-06 01:55:28 Utile (0)
risposta (1)

D: How do you set vtx smartaudio on beraflight 4.1. Need help here.

Domandata da suoth il 2019-12-25 04:35:47

Samchan You can find out the video on YOUTUBE.title : Betaflight 4.1 vtxtables | WHY SMARTAUDIO DOESN'T WORK AND HOW TO FIX IT

2020-01-05 09:14:01 Utile (0)
risposta (1)