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D: Will it fit the MN90 series or Fayee series cars?

Domandata da Timmy il 2021-06-02 10:48:26

BeardedViking Anythingis possible with a bit of tweaking or modding. Install them at an angle with shock keys and some spacers, and they should be fine.

2022-05-22 05:30:14 Utile (1)
risposta (6)

D: Is the ESC waterproof?

Domandata da Timmy il 2021-06-11 11:12:04

BillShitts yes but you can always take apart esc and add more I like using liquid electrical tape.

2021-12-24 02:21:11 Utile (0)
risposta (1)

Timmy So did you have to just get rid of your light kit on your fate E? I have the same one so just would like to know if there's a way around losing the light kit.

Ben Fish 09/02/2021
Commento (1)