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OneTransistor 05/12/2021
Commento (5)

OneTransistor@D1rTy_H4rRy_GR To get the current configuration of GRBL send $$ in Candle (grlbControl) or UGS console. The machine will send you a text report with all settings. Keep this text for later. After upgrade send $$ again and modify all settings that need to be modified (for example send $3=2 to set parameter 3 to value 2). I wrote a post about this on my website (onetransistor dot eu). There is no bug in 0.9 regarding Z axis. maybe your job gcode contains instructions that alter Z or attempt homing.

OneTransistor 05/12/2021
Commento (5)

D: si la orden fue realizada el 3 de diciembre. cuando llegara a españa?

Domandata da BG384024163 il 2021-12-13 02:15:28

OneTransistor Be patient. I ordered on Nov 25, it was shipped on Dec 8.

2021-12-16 12:26:58 Utile (0)
risposta (1)

D: Is it a Genius Pro or Genius? Because in the description says both

Domandata da BG221735143 il 2021-12-16 11:55:04

OneTransistor It is Genius Pro, with bed leveling sensor and 32-bit mainboard running Marlin This is what I received.

2021-12-16 12:24:35 Utile (1)
risposta (1)

OneTransistor I made an order on Nov 25th, expected shipping date was Nov 30th, got shipped today on Dec 8th. So be patient, they said it is a pre-order, they will ship it.

2021-12-08 11:51:01 Utile (1)
risposta (1)

OneTransistor Because this is a pre-order. In product description they say it will be shipped in early December. Nobody received it yet. I ordered myself one on Nov 25th and it wasn't shipped yet.

2021-11-30 01:18:57 Utile (8)
risposta (1)

D: Is the product in the announcement Genius Pro 220V or 110V?

Domandata da BG211351213 il 2021-11-28 04:00:19

OneTransistor The printer has a switch in the back which allows you to select correct mains voltage. Make sure it is set correctly before powering up!

2021-11-28 03:13:45 Utile (0)
risposta (1)

D: hi, is Genius Pro?

Domandata da Al3eRtO il 2021-11-26 02:27:43

OneTransistor Yes, according to description.

2021-11-26 01:22:12 Utile (0)
risposta (2)