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Rassam65 ‏يمكنك استخدامه دون تغيير أي شيء. ستلائم سلكاً من 0.8 إلى 1 مم‬

2024-01-27 01:05:35 Utile (0)
risposta (3)

D: single or double pulse?

Domandata da s3rkan il 2021-09-18 05:33:31

shadockan Is it better with double pulse ? This is DC . The kweld is not double pulse and it is perfect . I think this spot Welder it is the same with kweld . Am I wrong ?

2021-11-03 05:33:56 Utile (3)
risposta (1)

D: What is the two pinned connector with blue wire is used for?

Domandata da s3rkan il 2021-07-31 12:33:17

Joyfulness Friend, it may be used to connect the gas used, perhaps you can ask the seller.

2021-08-01 08:57:28 Utile (0)
risposta (2)