Tutti i messaggi

D: what about the accuracy of measurements in all

Domandata da wildvenki il 2019-08-03 07:10:59

Coutinho994 moreor less accurate, as for the podometer I found it very inaccurate

2019-10-22 07:20:09 Utile (0)
risposta (2)

D: já tem na versão global?

Domandata da Coutinho994 il 2019-03-24 09:02:56

Thurloug Guffaw This is Chinese version.

2019-03-27 10:08:08 Utile (0)
risposta (1)

D: How to put the language in Brazilian Portuguese?

Domandata da Coutinho994 il 2019-03-17 06:38:01

TinyCutie It does not support.

2019-03-22 05:15:46 Utile (0)
risposta (1)