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D: Is there an "on off" button?

Domandata da GiuseppeGelao il 2018-04-22 11:10:47

BG654171619 yes! press the botton play.

2024-02-22 08:52:59 Utile (0)
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D: Is there an "on off" button?

Domandata da GiuseppeGelao il 2018-04-22 11:17:05

jaaaaaaaba Yes the music symbol that's round on the top is the switch

2021-12-07 09:53:20 Utile (0)
risposta (1)

lroge Itablet o gli smartphone di solito hanno sensori G e non giroscopi, e questo IE

2021-08-05 02:17:50 Utile (0)
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D: Does it comply ECE /ONU 22-05?

Domandata da GiuseppeGelao il 2019-12-18 06:06:00

Twilightwas Dear customer,Thank you for your support and understanding.If you have any other question please contact our customer service : cservice@banggood.com freely. we need some time to ask the supplier,you can contact the live chat. They would help you.Best regards

2020-01-04 02:28:34 Utile (0)
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D: Who can I buy a spare battery from?

Domandata da GiuseppeGelao il 2018-03-21 12:18:35

Sempiternal You can buy the battery at local shop.

2018-04-03 02:54:08 Utile (0)
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