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D: can this hold hex bit without adapter?

Domandata da BG221516493 il 2020-09-06 10:36:24

nickcandu No you need an adapter The price for a set of adapter is not all that bad

2020-09-21 01:39:42 Utile (1)
risposta (8)

D: you have not answer the the question in english

Domandata da BG221516493 il 2020-09-04 11:25:44

Jknaphus Brushless electric drill with the box

2020-09-18 02:26:49 Utile (1)
risposta (1)

D: does it work in the Philippines?

Domandata da BG221516493 il 2020-09-12 02:49:42

valkilmer1966 you have to check on the technical specifications of the cellular network of the mobile correspond to your country

2020-09-13 02:56:56 Utile (0)
risposta (1)