Tutti i messaggi

D: Que torque tiene este motor???

Domandata da ing_jcluna il 2018-08-14 02:18:37

BG620325440 Hello please could you tell me if this was shipped please

2024-03-08 02:42:53 Utile (0)
risposta (2)

D: Gira 360 grados???

Domandata da BG173916211 il 2020-03-29 07:16:33

Cardboar 90

2020-03-31 10:39:53 Utile (0)
risposta (1)

jiangrong8 Hello, this NEJE laser module is more suitable for NEJE Master engraving machine, thanks.

2020-03-09 01:32:55 Utile (0)
risposta (1)

D: Sirve para una Anet A8???

Domandata da ing_jcluna il 2019-07-22 03:53:20

BogumMatt YES

2019-07-30 05:22:47 Utile (0)
risposta (1)

D: Hola buena noche, este husillo es el que se usa para las impresoras 3D?

Domandata da ing_jcluna il 2018-04-23 08:11:46

Happypear It can be suited for 3D Printer.

2018-05-02 03:48:48 Utile (0)
risposta (1)

Rigmarole You can find the products you want on the website with keywords.

2018-04-09 03:58:36 Utile (1)
risposta (1)

D: Buena tarde, es compatible con mi Anet A8???

Domandata da ing_jcluna il 2018-03-27 02:19:36

Ada maybe not, anet a8 uses 2004 LCD screen

2018-04-02 02:03:15 Utile (0)
risposta (1)