
knokke Ihabe auch den falschen Arftikel erhalt (1/6 statt 1/12). I habe n?r L?gen von Bangood Kundendienst gehabt und wartet immer fur den Geld.

BG443832323 06/12/2021
Commento (2)

knokke Theyalso sent me the wrong scale product and refused to aknowledge the mistake, even after I sent photographic proof. As I kept insisting, they finally pretended to reimburse me, but it was a lie. They never gave me my money back and never sent the correct 1/12 scale product.

BG243633612 04/12/2021
Commento (2)

knokke Theydid the same to me, and refused to aknowledge their mistake, keeping asking for "more proof" untill the 7 days warranty period expires. In the end, the customer service pretended to reimburse me, but the only thing they did was providing me with a false url toward a webpage that does'nt work. I never got the correct product, and never received the reimburment they promised.

Turboearl 07/12/2021
Commento (1)

knokke I forgot to add that there is something I don't like about this transmitter, it is the lack of physical trim. The way the trim works is really impossible to use for flying an airplane: you would have to enter several menus to access and enable the trim function, while trying to fly your plane at the same time. Not a recipe for success

knokke 03/10/2021
Commento (1)