
D: can it measure in inches? Does it convert to American standard?

Domandata da Santana il 2019-12-29 11:46:56

MMA Yes, details are in the instructions.. can be set to US feet and inches

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Martin Yes would work and is common for items that do not fit in an oven. Is important for powdercoat that based material reaches temperature in order to bind correctly. Could be used to make custom oven as well.

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D: what does it mean LHD, RHD?

Domandata da Diego Rochumback il 2018-11-05 11:07:54

Martin LHD = Left Hand Drive and RHD = Right Hand Drive. It has to do with the angle of the light cut-off, so not to blind traffic.. In you country do you drive on left or the right?? select accordingly.

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