
D: ehm, no thanks.

Domandata da Bugg69 il 2018-08-28 06:25:34

SLaPPiE No telemetry? No LED? No current output? Price? Perhaps he does not like blue! No for real, the Dys 35a have nice features missing here for the same kind of money.

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SLaPPiE Hey, you must hook the compass to the sda/scl and make sure the resource is set up for that, i cant remember but I think its tx6 and rx6 that can also be sda/scl.Also the gps goes from tx on the gps to rx on the fc and gps rx goes to tx on the fc. I think rx/tx3. Start by connecting 5v and the gps, then hook up the mag. Later. On more uart would be handy for telemetry, so i had to drop the mag. Inav says you dont need it with gps heading.

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SLaPPiE If you are going to use Betaflight, which is preloaded, you can youse the IMPULSE RC Driver fixer to put the board into DFU mode to flash the latest Betaflight. This way you only need a usb connection from pc to fc.

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SLaPPiE Just got mine, only thing the same as the pictures is the word Forester. Has 2mm standoff posts about 23mm long. The camera mount looks better. The frame does not have those tabs on front of camera. Looks more like a qav design. Anyway, I weighed it without the included fc stack standoffs. 24 grams I like it, but it looks a tad fragile, so I will probably acro it, trying not to carsh it. Will post review once airborn.

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SLaPPiE You can power the fc through the vcc wire on the esc jst plug, however if you are using much current I would power with a little larger wire through the bat pads. You do not power the board with a bec. You may now have a problem. Check your soldering

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SLaPPiE I assume it does. It has u3rx and u3tx pins. I hope so, because setting up with the crappy button and location kind of stinks. I will try to mess with that at some point.

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D: 16 Channels, 2 switches ???

Domandata da Ketsa il 2018-01-28 02:09:36

SLaPPiE Best question so far. I think it can work for racer, but I would prefer same as qx7. I might understand the less to break logic, and these are some macho looking switches. So while we are at it. How about radio companies make the upper switch portion of radios removable. Make them have gobs of switch to slider to button options, then only include two on the base models. Plus you could sell populated tops, plug and play in different layouts. Make it so all switch positions can be interchanged and begin at 3 way. Just what i want.

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