
D: is the camera good for a 4” crocodile baby?

Domandata da BG143216164 il 2021-03-04 21:17:36

Goober The GEPRC Crocodile Baby 4 Analog appears to come with the Caddx Ratel, which is 19mm cam - the Ratel 2 is the same width - so it really should fit just fine.

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D: this is fr7 v4 or v5?

Domandata da Chandra il 2020-09-30 00:08:29

Goober it’s neither, really. but closer to the V4 than the V5. But there are numerous issues - the biggest being that the arms are 5mm not 6mm as he original build spec demands. It’s a big build that’s meant to swing 7” props - 6mm arms is important, i think.

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D: Any LED pin available? Pin for smart audio or other uart?

Domandata da MilanSpacek il 2019-01-13 15:33:56

Goober yeahhhhhhhh this board died on my too within a few packs. smoked a motor too - the fets don’t seem rated either for the voltage or the amps. i was using 2s and 0802 12000kv 40mm props. should’ve been TOTALLY fine.

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Goober doesn’t have a buzzer pad - but dshot beacon should work if that’s loud enough.

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D: What board do I pick when flashing Betaflight?

Domandata da Jim Morrison il 2019-01-12 01:47:45

Goober Mine says the target is "NOX"

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Goober All the pads are labeled though... across the top: GND, 5V, VOUT, VIN across the bottom 3V, (DSM, etc), SBUS, 5V, GND. Page says RX2 for RC control. So.. no TX, No buzzer, No SA... which is pretty silly. But it’s 25% the cost of others. so priorities, i guess.

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Goober current!? what is this ancient analogue technology you speak of?? Get with the times and get an ESC that supports telemetry. I’m really kidding though - you bring up a great point. regardless this would be a HARD PASS for me. ICM gyro on a micro sized FC with no integrated softmounts? We kinda ran this experiment already the wave of ICM gyro equipped FC that were universally panned as being impossible to tune without integrated soft mounts / grommets.

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D: what does the buck boost do exactly?

Domandata da nonickjustname il 2018-07-20 21:22:03

Goober Buck boost is a type of voltage regulator. Buck boost regulators are usually much more reliable than the alternative, which is a linear regulator (they’re usually cheaper). I’ve heard that the regulator on this board though is best suited to ~25mw VTX’s. If you’re going to run ~200mw you may need a separate regulator. Just what I’ve heard. No experience personally.

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