
D: what is the Wifi chipset ? is it an ESP826x or ESP32 ?

Domandata da raspi22 il 2022-04-06 06:02:11

ajanulis PSF-A85 (tiny version of ESP8255, but from the programming or hacking point of view - same as ESP8266

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D: Can this unit be flashed with third party firmware such as Tasmota?

Domandata da frikkie il 2022-01-14 01:23:51

ajanulis Yes, you can reflash it, but you will need soldering iron, non shaky hands and USB UART adapter. I just did it, no issues recognising by Tasmota web flasher (though it showed nothing on serial monitor when connected for the first time, it made me worry a bit, but flashed without an issue). Only one problem I am experiencing with it - my RCD breakers just shuts off and still trying to figure out why. Will let you know when will sort it

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