
D: does it have bullet connectors

Domandata da GPS27 il 2019-07-24 08:41:48

Blackbird no bullet connector, si mes souvenirs sont exacte!, i brought these 4 or 5 years ago

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D: Do It need a FC hub for this FC? To power the camera, vtx, ...?

Domandata da nielsbaele il 2019-07-25 15:39:55

Blackbird no,all you need are on the FC , you can install 2 cameras one front and the other rear and switch it (cheater quad) and for vtx you can program a switch on the radio to cut the special vbat rail you can switch off your vtx (overheat protection) nice board

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D: What antenna is suitable

Domandata da weeliam_wong il 2019-07-12 20:26:33

Blackbird anyone , foxeer lolippop.... etc , the only thing you have to check is the connector SMA or RPSMA for the tramp any SMA antenna will fit

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Blackbird i think no specific command are needed, you only have to wire up you smart audio port to UART Tx 3 and then in the port tab (betaflight) you select UART3 to smartaudio that's it !

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D: how to use current pad on fc with the 4in1 esc of the stack?

Domandata da mribeiro il 2017-11-28 12:15:49

Blackbird by using this pad you will need some external current sensor , on this 4 in 1 esc there is no current sensor

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