
D: I installed the driver but windows 10 does not recognize the device

Domandata da antonioniehues il 2019-05-21 06:28:12

prashkd85 TheUSB driver that comes with the machine (believe its called CH410) may be outdated. Download latest version from internet. Also, make sure your firewall allows "unsigned" driver (it will probably ask you during installation process)

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prashkd85 Notwithout fair bit of modification. The 3d Printed Z Axis is too flimsy to allow any kind of drilling process. So far I have installed metal clamps to it, added Z axis limit switches to prevent slip when homing and purchased a set of carbide flat head drill bits (V bit that comes with the machine is not suitable for pcb milling). I still havent been able to mill a perfect PCB but I intend to keep trying

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