
D: Is it good for Mazda 5 2008 (CR19)?

Domandata da qra69 il 2020-05-09 10:51:05

kfernie You need to measure for the fit, I was able to make some minor adjustment in the opening of the dash piece to make it fit, worked out well.

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D: Can I power this directly into a wall?

Domandata da michealcarney27 il 2020-04-23 04:46:25

kfernie It reqiures the appropriate ac adapter or a battery pack.

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D: where does it get its power from ?

Domandata da Buster il 2019-07-03 01:26:05

kfernie It come from a welding machine you already own, i.e. Lincoln Arc Welder.

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kfernie Ingredients are readily available depending on what your making, Google supplies/recipes for Moon Shine and you will have no problems.

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