
D: what is the best battery size?

Domandata da Pierre il 2019-08-16 13:47:27

grRossi This frame is really bad, the quad wobbles a lot. The components are great, they are just made for a bigger and less wobbly frame. If you transfer this to a 2.5inch frame with 2.5inch props, you could go for a 450-520mah 3s, a 520mah 4s is kinda heavy but it'll probably fly ok. Maybe a 450mah 4s. If you don't want to swap the frame, try a 300mah 3s. Maybe the lighter battery will help with the wobbling. It also works on 2s, so a 300-450mah 2s could work.

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D: Is the mounting option 20x20 or 16x16?

Domandata da 23edsa il 2019-08-25 06:28:31

grRossi 16x16mm

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D: can it handle a 4s HV lipo??

Domandata da airdevil il 2019-08-03 15:57:23

grRossi The board can handle it, but the kv of the motors is too high. You could change the motors and run 4s but for the weight 2-3s is optimal.

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D: does it work on 1s?

Domandata da daneeka il 2019-05-20 01:53:48

grRossi While the ESC does, the FC doesn't. It doesn't turn on with a 1s battery.

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D: 229 vs 239 vs 329 vs 339?

Domandata da AdityaKini il 2019-08-01 20:23:55

grRossi 339 is the fastest, but it is also less durable. 229 is the most durable and best for beginners.

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D: What is the diameter and angle of these props?

Domandata da duesentrieb il 2019-02-22 06:09:13

Gabriel Rossi 3 inches, not sure about the angle. Probably low since it's built for efficiency

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