MICRO MinimOSD Minim OSD Mini OSD W/ KV Gruppo MOD per Racing F3 Naze32 Volo Controllore
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I picked up this board and when it arrived it certainly was minuscule. An excellent addition for your FPV. Unfortunately, just as several other buyers had mentioned the incorrect firmware was on the minim and the display was showing "Arducam 2.0 - Waiting for mavlink heartbeats" I spent quite a bit of time looking at the other options and going through You Tube videos particularly the ones from Painless360 (very informative thanks). This link was also useful: http://blog.oscarliang.net/minimosd-micro-setup-naze32-pid-rssi/ I have made a couple of other Arduino projects in the past and thought it would not be that difficult to flash the firmware. Unfortunately when I attempted to flash the firmware with the KV Team mod 2.3 It would not work. I kept on getting sync issues. It turns out you need to connect the DTR, RX, TX, 5V and GND to get it to flash, I was only using RX,TX and power connections. Board settings in Arduino was Arduino Pro and Arduino Pro Mini 5V ATmega328P. I then got errors with compiling version 2.3 of the mod. The error was "error: variable 'item_table' must be const in orde..." I found a fix in this link: https://github.com/duststorm/rush-osd-development/issues/21 and there is also a link to the fixed version of 2.3 here: https://github.com/slacker87/rush-osd-development/archive/master.zip So at the end of the day I got it working, but it would have been nice for it to have been delivered with the correct firmware in the first place Then again I did learn something! I hope others find the links useful.
This won't work out of the box. You'll need an FTDI adapter, like this one: http://www.banggood.com/FT232RL-FTDI-USB-To-TTL-Serial-Converter-Adapter-Module-For-Arduino-p-917226.html?p=430714520645201404S1 You'll need the Arduino SDK to upload custom Firmware; also the "scarab OSD 1.5". I would say simply watch a youtube tutorial, this is quite useful.