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Top recensione positiva per %s su Banggood, Acquista i migliori %s con il prezzo più basso su Banggood. Sfoglia le recensioni positive più utili per %s prima di acquistare., giocattoli rc, sport divertenti, moda, elettronica popolare
Paulk 02/01/2020
This device is awesome! With spacing of 2.5 Cm, very loud!
Commento (4)
  • diyarsimsek Güzel Ürün Teşekkürler Banggood

    Risposta 04/01/2020
  • nagulmeerashaik voltage limit ??

    Risposta 21/03/2020
  • nagulmeerashaik voltage limit ??

    Risposta 21/03/2020
  • Paulk Sorry for being so late! I wouldn’t run one of these above 5 to 6 volts. they begin to draw a lot of current. Also not sure about output voltage. Unable to measure it, although it just appears to be closer to 50 KV. Also beware of open circuit (beyond arcing) as the will easily break down internally. I have destroyed one trying to stretch out the arc!

    Risposta 06/12/2020
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