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D: how much power has got this motor? is 198w correct? thanks.

Domandata da gokhanaydemir il 2020-07-18 12:14:47

Khafash enough

2022-09-09 04:31:46 Utile (0)
risposta (2)

Shallop yes, it is enough power to cut or drill metal.

2020-08-06 06:02:03 Utile (0)
risposta (1)

D: can it use in making drill machine?

Domandata da aasis il 2018-02-21 06:11:45

gokhanaydemir Can it be use as a dremel motor? Has it enough power to cut or drill metal?

2020-07-14 10:53:25 Utile (1)
risposta (4)