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BG415316151 Notesabout the Kalimba It was slightly out of tune, but that was easy to adjust. :) i've ordered the mahogany version, but i do not know if it is really mahogany wood. In any case, the kalimba has a good weight, and a realy beautiful sound, with an unecpected good vibrato sense coming from the wood. Also, there are NO dead tines, or other sound problems. I Strongly recommend !!!! thnk you :)

BG415316151 19/07/2021
Commento (1)

D: What are the different wood types?

Domandata da zanzaboonda il 2020-06-07 01:35:33

BG415316151 Mahogany,walnut, maple, acacia, rosewood, but i believe that is veneer and nod solid wood

2021-07-19 08:18:45 Utile (0)
risposta (2)