Tutti i messaggi

D: What is the physical size of this board?

Domandata da bribat il 2019-12-02 11:47:22

hieronymus samesize as raspberry zero

2021-03-24 04:48:46 Utile (0)
risposta (5)

D: How much current(amps) can it take?

Domandata da lindgren184 il 2020-01-16 03:38:16

hieronymus .024amp per output but a maximum for the ic

2021-03-24 04:47:16 Utile (0)
risposta (3)

D: what is the swg of the item?

Domandata da Sparrow7500 il 2018-11-28 08:32:51

hieronymus what do you mean by swg?

2021-03-24 04:45:28 Utile (0)
risposta (2)

D: can analog and digital servos controled with this board?

Domandata da kostasxatz91 il 2020-01-03 12:43:04

hieronymus Iam going to use this for geekservo for this

2020-11-19 02:30:19 Utile (0)
risposta (3)