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Davleo 14/09/2024
I must say that I love this plane and I was wishing it for long, so you will understand why I was chocked when I unboxed it... One of the pictures show how was the prop-saver base at the first visual check. It means that the plane was absolutely unusable like this : As I well know the great efficiency of the after sale here I took the decision to solve that by myself.It's more easy than make videos and pictures again a again and wait, wait, sent messages and messages... with glue a sharp blade and your hands you can solve this kind of issue and you get a great economy of your patience... This defect corrected the plane is very pleasant to fly even if it's less easy and safe as a Volantex, for me it's because is a little bit heavier and seems to have its COV placed a little bit too much on the front (maybe the glue that I had to add? :-). The paint scheme is very well done with this bright yellow that make it easy to see in the sky. The motor has a great thrust, a good thing to compensate the little over weight of this P39 (66g without landing gear), The wing and the plane body are well reinforced so it is very rigid as a this kind of foamy shall be! The ailerons have a great surface that give them authority more than the elevator this one was quite shy during the maiden flight with my initial tweaks.They was no issue with the transmitter the receiver as the batteries which are of good quality. If you really want it buy it without hesitation : I'm almost sure you will be more lucky than me! See you in the sky!
Commento (2)

simole88 io scriverei direttamente al servizio clienti di minimumRC, magari ti spediscono le parti mancanti oppure ti inviano i file .STL da stampare direttamente in 3D

2024-10-31 02:55:41 Utile (0)
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Davleo 17/10/2024
Commento (2)

Davleo Hello! It seems that something went wrong with this feedback because i\'m pretty sure that I left five stars and the published result is one star! I wonder if leaving comments is not a loss of time, but maybe it\'s better to put this one at the end of the list? I don\'t understand... Best regards.

Davleo 17/10/2024
Commento (2)

D: Why do you send kits out that aren’t complete?

Domandata da BG504218174 il 2024-09-19 11:50:14

Davleo Hello!Thank you for your question (and your answer too :-) BG504218174, because now I know that I'm not the only one to have this issue! Fortunately after waiting a long time and treasures of patience dealing with the after sale svc I have received the missing parts. They did not sent the glue kit but I give up fighting for that I have some glue at home. I sincerely hope it will be faster and easier for you to "completed" your kit. My opinion is that the quality check is not done as it should be done, "the seller" should verify the goods he sells! This kind of neglect make us suspicious and I will not have a collection of mini jet at home; IF I bought an other kit here I will cogitate a lot before, a good idea could be to make unpacking with a head camera :-)) The seller should care of his interest on long term instead of being eager to sell something he never touched or seen to passionate customers! I hope to see you in the sky with a HawK BG504218174!

2024-09-28 06:29:41 Utile (1)
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BG504218174 Me too. Contact support and ask them too sort it out.

2024-09-16 02:06:35 Utile (1)
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Davleo 10/07/2024
My third "warbird" the first was the F4u then the spitfire V2 and now the P47 which is a little bit lighter than the corsair equal as the spit and it seems faster than the 2 others. The P47 is very easy to handle like volantex 400mm are : high speed, good gliding hover, perfect control, wind resistance, and awesome aerobatic ability. This time the motor gearbox was perfectly mounted no need to correct a non perpendicular propeller luck was with me! Feather weight : 62g with the lipo and landing gear, 59 without landing gear ; I make it flown like this for more aerodynamic efficiency. it has the best result on home-made thrust test bench with 92g with 2 blades propeller, 86g with the 3 blades (about). This system give a quite good idea to determine which motor/propeller is more efficient the g number is the indication given by a kitchen scale with a resolution of 1g. I made this bench because i was surprised by the impress that the corsair was less punchy with 3 blades prop : it permit me to see that it wasn't just an impress. I have painted orange the propellers for easy "search&re-clipped" The flying time is at less 10 minute it depend of your aggressivity with throttle, the 3 battery are very good 400mah 10g. aargh! one thing is not pleasant now with this plane it's the battery compartment which is really too narrow, very few room for cables and plugs; the battery is placed vertically what doesn't facilitate the cover closing. I had to cut a small part of foam to have enough place for easy battery replacement. Don't ask me why but it's a sickness that all the warbirds I own had and the P47 could not avoid a surgical intervention with scalpel... As the box arrived undamaged it was more pleasant than other times to modify it for make it an "operational fly-case". I forgot to tell you that this plane is beautiful with a really nice paint scheme : it's my prefer one, I love it as strong as a man can love a little rc aircraft..! Happy Fly to all
Commento (1)

Davleo Pleaseclick on "show original" to read!!!

Davleo 10/07/2024
My third "warbird" the first was the F4u then the spitfire V2 and now the P47 which is a little bit lighter than the corsair equal as the spit and it seems faster than the 2 others. The P47 is very easy to handle like volantex 400mm are : high speed, good gliding hover, perfect control, wind resistance, and awesome aerobatic ability. This time the motor gearbox was perfectly mounted no need to correct a non perpendicular propeller luck was with me! Feather weight : 62g with the lipo and landing gear, 59 without landing gear ; I make it flown like this for more aerodynamic efficiency. it has the best result on home-made thrust test bench with 92g with 2 blades propeller, 86g with the 3 blades (about). This system give a quite good idea to determine which motor/propeller is more efficient the g number is the indication given by a kitchen scale with a resolution of 1g. I made this bench because i was surprised by the impress that the corsair was less punchy with 3 blades prop : it permit me to see that it wasn't just an impress. I have painted orange the propellers for easy "search&re-clipped" The flying time is at less 10 minute it depend of your aggressivity with throttle, the 3 battery are very good 400mah 10g. aargh! one thing is not pleasant now with this plane it's the battery compartment which is really too narrow, very few room for cables and plugs; the battery is placed vertically what doesn't facilitate the cover closing. I had to cut a small part of foam to have enough place for easy battery replacement. Don't ask me why but it's a sickness that all the warbirds I own had and the P47 could not avoid a surgical intervention with scalpel... As the box arrived undamaged it was more pleasant than other times to modify it for make it an "operational fly-case". I forgot to tell you that this plane is beautiful with a really nice paint scheme : it's my prefer one, I love it as strong as a man can love a little rc aircraft..! Happy Fly to all
Commento (1)

Davleo Hello! It's a kit without receiver board. So if you find a radiolink micro receiver it will be possible. The plane is very small there is few room inside for a big receiver board. I don't know if the brand you are using have this kind of item because I use Flysky. To have an idea of the size needed you can have a look on the announce for the MinimumRC brand receivers adapted and available here, they are linked in the description of this BAE hawk kit. One more thing there is no plug with the motor and you have to buy the servos separately, for these ones it's recommanded to use very light and tiny 1.7g plastic gear servo. Regards!

2024-09-14 06:59:19 Utile (0)
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Davleo Hello! The choose of the motor plug depend of the receiver board you will put in the plane. If you buy the receiver suggested in this announce it has no plug so you can choose what you want as far as it's a plug adapted for this micro plane an that can be used with a 8620 brushed motor working with a 4.2V lipo battery regarding power consumption. I used a very common plug type for this kind of motor : JST 1.25MM 2 pins. You can also solder the two wires of the motor directly on the receiver it's more lighter but think to keep the possibility to easily dismantle it if needed! Happy flying to you!

2024-09-14 06:45:36 Utile (1)
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D: How do I bind this to my dx7 spectrum?

Domandata da Lukey il 2024-08-19 04:12:00

Davleo Hello!not sure it will help you because I bought the flysky version but for my version auto-Binding is used : so it's probably the same for other transmitter brands but I just a customer like you that all I can say about that... I thing you should ask the seller or customer service hopping they answer you...! Regards!

2024-09-14 06:15:15 Utile (0)
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D: Is this in stock?

Domandata da BG574816430 il 2024-03-19 06:47:43

Davleo Hello!when I ordered it fortunatly it was in stock... You're right to verify that before purchasing but It's better to ask to the customer service if you have a doubt! Regards!

2024-09-14 06:07:56 Utile (0)
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D: How do put the flysky version in binding mode?

Domandata da BG115351435 il 2024-08-12 07:28:38

Davleo MaybeI'm not the best one to answer you because I use my flysky transmitter since few time and have flash it with open-tx firmware... Nevertheless I tried the receiver we are talking about with the factory firmware of my TX before : this receiver board use auto binding so normally just have to press the bind button of your transmitter observing at the same time the blinking led of the RX and when it's steady it's ready :-). With open-TX it's nearly the same except that in my case I don't use any bind button but select the binding action trough a menu, the receiver itself behave the same : auto binding at power on and waiting for a compatible transmitter that wants to bind with it... So the answer to your question seems to be : nothing to do to put the Flysky version in binding mode : it do it by itself you just have to do manipulate your transmitter to complete the magic of auto-binding! Happy flying to you!

2024-09-14 06:02:48 Utile (0)
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Davleo Hello! Very Good Question! I have the p47 thunderbolt 761-16R an excellent aircraft and a pure flying beauty. The version with the invasion stripes paint scheme we are waiting for is 761-16Y. I hope we are not just two customers to wait for this invader and that it will surges on banggood soon! I type this code in the search bar sometime but for the moment nothing! D day is not every day....

2024-07-10 08:19:12 Utile (1)
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