Tutti i messaggi

kiwi_craig Whenusing a DSM/S.BUS receiver, OUT1, OUT2 and OUT4 channels are respectively connected to aileron, elevator and rudder, and OUT3 is connected to the ESC. OUT5, OUT6 are used to respectively output the CH6 and CH7 signal of receiver (CH5 of the receiver is generally the Mode channel).

global88 12/01/2018
Commento (1)

D: can you get the green version ?

Domandata da kiwi_craig il 2020-10-12 01:12:44

Discophoran No,wl915 only has red boat and spare parts

2020-10-19 10:34:28 Utile (0)
risposta (1)

D: is the green colour version avialable ?

Domandata da kiwi_craig il 2020-09-09 05:59:10

ethss No,wl915 rc boat hull part only has red color

2020-09-12 01:14:38 Utile (0)
risposta (1)

D: link to spare battery please

Domandata da kiwi_craig il 2018-12-15 08:08:10

Tuque Maybe you can use the contact us to contact the banggood customer service team.

2019-01-04 02:06:53 Utile (0)
risposta (1)

Novak If you only want to buy the strap, not support. Thank you!

2018-11-26 08:58:45 Utile (0)
risposta (1)