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D: is it the battery integrated?

Domandata da Dgiky il 2024-07-15 02:02:03

JohnCC Yes, it has an internal battery.

2024-07-24 12:30:33 Utile (0)
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D: quelle radiocommande et masque fpv faut acheter....??

Domandata da Farisaminour il 2023-08-11 05:45:19

JohnCC Eachine EV800D or Eachine EV800DM box goggles would be excellent budget starter FPV mask or goggles. For a radio, check out the RadioMaster Zorro.

2023-10-09 08:00:24 Utile (0)
risposta (2)

D: is there a betaflight version that offers elrs 2.x compatibility ?

Domandata da Marco Esser il 2023-09-08 03:32:53

JohnCC Yes. You can downgrade this drone to 4.3.1, which is ELRS 2.x SPI. However, you need to know what you're doing to downgrade versions. Out of the box, it will come with betaflight 4.4 which is ELRS V3.

2023-10-09 07:58:26 Utile (0)
risposta (2)

D: Kann man einen tbs crossfire nano verbauen?

Domandata da BG473219104 il 2023-04-30 01:11:47

JohnCC No,this version does not support crossfire, you can add a crossfire nano to the PNP version 'without receiver.'

2023-10-09 07:47:55 Utile (0)
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D: Can i connect the drone with Walksnail goggles ?

Domandata da BG101141425 il 2023-05-19 04:39:59

JohnCC No.This is analog drone only.

2023-10-09 07:47:21 Utile (0)
risposta (1)

D: can i use 3s batteries on the drone?

Domandata da BG452034088 il 2022-06-22 10:04:03

JohnCC You can absolutely use 3s batteries with this drone. I've flown a 3s 650mah with my crux35, it doesn't have as much power though on 3s.

2022-06-22 10:12:13 Utile (2)
risposta (2)