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D: Does it work with v4.2.7 board?

Domandata da JHGalera il 2023-11-21 04:57:51
risposta (0)

D: is it really 4wd? you.tube videos shows likely rear wheel drive.

Domandata da JHGalera il 2023-01-17 02:09:50

Jonosouth it clearly says 2wd

2023-08-25 11:29:41 Utile (0)
risposta (1)

D: how many uarts does the FC have????

Domandata da BG174004429 il 2021-12-31 04:24:29

JHGalera not received yet

2022-01-02 05:45:28 Utile (0)
risposta (5)

D: What is the weight without battery

Domandata da huangzh072 il 2021-07-18 08:45:09

JHGalera this item is only the tail wings with magnets.

2021-11-12 06:46:50 Utile (0)
risposta (1)

JHGalera@BG141345345 dois meses pra entregar, e não fui taxado.

JHGalera 04/10/2020
Commento (8)