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D: how do I set up the power values in betaflight?

Domandata da TB500_ il 2021-09-24 12:15:39

An4k1n Via VTX tables and a port setting to Tramp protocol. Wire the T to a UART.

2023-01-15 08:40:56 Utile (0)
risposta (2)

D: Does it work on 5 inch

Domandata da TB500_ il 2021-08-20 08:01:17

Mattnov Hi. I will not recomand that. The motor will overheat.

2021-10-18 08:39:15 Utile (0)
risposta (1)

D: will they be in stock soon?

Domandata da TB500_ il 2021-07-28 10:39:18

MitjaB probably not

2021-08-07 12:28:46 Utile (0)
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D: Will they be in stock soon?

Domandata da TB500_ il 2021-02-15 09:46:07

Celebration it will coming soon

2021-03-09 06:46:34 Utile (0)
risposta (1)