
D: Does the SD card on this module work on the Arduino Mega ?

Domandata da BG154735114 il 2021-10-22 23:45:17

PaulVdB " Description: Support UNO and Mega2560 and other development board DIP, Without any wiring, all open source, libraries offer The backlight always on, can not control the backlight, backlight is connect to 3.3V DC: 5V "

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D: Can it be made to play a file on power-up ?

Domandata da n7dkq il 2019-09-11 11:20:08

PaulVdB No, you have to push the play button. But when connected to e.g. an Arduino, you can MAKE it start at power-up... A small electronic circuit should do this as well. But I never tried it.

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D: Can i set it on white?

Domandata da BG185344803 il 2021-02-15 14:41:39

PaulVdB if you set r,g,b all to max, you have white. :)

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