
D: is it comming with the exhaust system also? the stainless steel output?

Domandata da BG184853981 il 2023-02-02 14:10:05

parasiempre36 No I also hoped that it comes with it but I've done it by myself

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D: Does the PNP-version include any flight stabilization module?

Domandata da BG149511534 il 2023-08-03 23:21:19

parasiempre36 no there are no gyros in it. but depends on what transmitter you have, frsky s6r s8r are receivers with built in gyro.

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D: where do I get a case to put this in?

Domandata da BG114864401 il 2022-11-12 16:55:06

parasiempre36 when you have a 3D printer there are files on thingiverse.

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parasiempre36 Hallo! Ja es ist alles dabei. Für den vorderen Kotflügel ist es trotzdem empfehlenswert einen Gabel Ring Schlüssel (Schlüsselweite 10) zu nehmen.

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D: sind diese Propeller DJI fpv kompatibel?

Domandata da BG459012124 il 2022-09-21 13:11:11

parasiempre36 Ichdenke das ist keine gute Idee. Aber versuchen Sie es, kann sein das sie funktionieren.

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