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  • 30/04/2016

    Nice laserlenses for focussing laserdiodes, even the high power types. Have tested them with 808/637/520/532/470/445 and 404nM with powers from 5mW to 2.5Watt without problems. The shape of the beam depends of the laser, not of these optics. The short focus catches most energy , so the warming up is no problem. For LD's of high power the use of prisma's can be useful to make the beam more round AFTER the collimarion with this optic. Use safetygoggles and a beamstop wich can handle the power. For burning lasers these optics are usable too but check the focus. The coating of these optict prevent reflection, causes anihilation of the fotons (interference).

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  • 31/10/2019

    This lens significantly improved my 7000mW fixed focus Laser. After removing the original lens which has some silicone on the thread in order to make it fixed I found out that at other focal points of the original lens that the spot became pretty wide the further away the worse it got. After I replaced the original lens(only one single lens in it) with the lens system the ray became for more tighter and and smaller, so it improved the overall performance significantly. No it is able to cut through black foam way less conical than it ha done bevore. However - almost al laser of this kind exhibit a line like focal "point" so, in order to perfectly make it a real focal point it would need an astigmatic lens system!

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