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Top recensione positiva per %s su Banggood, Acquista i migliori %s con il prezzo più basso su Banggood. Sfoglia le recensioni positive più utili per %s prima di acquistare., giocattoli rc, sport divertenti, moda, elettronica popolare
BG444092132 22/07/2020
Came in time but my ex was defect. The engine was mounted angeled towards the right. Have been in touch with Bangood and they are helping me out. Hope I get a replacement unit because otherwise it looks ans feels really good!
Commento (2)
  • Acegio Themotor should be angled to the left when looking from the front, to offset the thrust generated by the propeller.

    Risposta 05/10/2020
  • Smoggie Angle offset on the motor is normal and correct. It's to compensate for the torque and spiral propwash that comes of the propeller.

    Risposta 05/11/2020
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