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Keith 03/09/2020
The model appears to be almost identical to the E-flite Ultra Stick. This is an excellent model but spoilt by a few niggles. The balsa and ply model is constructed very nicely, with a good deal of attention paid to the structure. But the model is let down by poor choices of hardware. The covering job is excellent. The control horns are okay but none of the supplied screws to fit them, are long enough. The Ailerons and Flaps are well made but you cannot fit the flap servos/horns easily and you might need a servo reverser for flap operation. The ESC does not fit under the battery tray so it has to go in the battery space. The wing locating dowels didn't line up correctly with the pre drilled holes in the fuselage and I had to "oval out" the holes. Wheel spats are hard to get fitted straight and are only held in place by two small screws. I am still waiting for hardware to arrive for this model before I can fly it. I will reserve final judgement until then. With a bit more attention paid to the screws and fixings this would easily be a 5 star model. But I'll give it 4/5.
Commento (3)
  • Nick I Agree with Keith, much the same issues in particular with the hardware, the screws are not long enough for the horns, also be sure you pay plenty of attention to the fitting of the stabilizer and rudder, mine collapsed mid flight, structurally its a very weak point of the plane, flimsy balsa frame

    Risposta 10/10/2020
  • bmpowell it's bigger, Keith, but I use the same 35 motor and it's fine.

    Risposta 13/10/2020
  • Conrad Very good input. Thank you.

    Risposta 27/12/2020
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