5V Famiglia PM2.5 Modulo rivelatore Sensore di polvere di qualità dell'aria TFT LCD Display Monitor
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This is a good PM 2.5 dust monitor. The instrument seems to be accurate as I cross checked with a branded instrument. It has bright LCD screen. The sensor is the well known dust sensor from Sharp. Appears to be a Sharp Optical Sensor GP2Y1010AUOF. Takes about a minute to display stable readings.
Well thought out construction, no assembly required, plug and play. Does what it says, a dht11 is used for temperature and humidity, so these are probably not the most accurate, but I bought it for the particulate matter measurement and it seems to do a good job at that. The sensor is a sharp GP2Y10. Power consumption is minimal, it will run a couple of days on a singe cell power bank with the back light switched off (a button on the side toggles the back light) The CPU is a STM8L151