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futurebreeze 24/06/2021
It is not as bright as it looks in the description but it is sufficient for its purpose, to light a small outdoor area: for camping, for dark spots in the yard etc. The lamp is made of plastic, it is somehow glued, no screw to open it to replace the defective recharge batteries after some year of service. The solar panel outputs 6V and 450mA in full sun. The dimming function from the remote control is very faint, there isn't too much difference between maximum and minimum. For me, the best function of this lamp is lightning the whole night even it is not the brightest.
Commento (3)
  • futurebreeze I must add some feedback after 3 months or use, it suddenly stopped working. As I couldn't return it back I tried to repair it. I cut it open with a dremel and I realized that when the batyery was discharged at about 3.4V (it has a protection module) the light circuit (a small microcontroller) stops the light. The battery is very poor, it has 800mAh (tested on a dedicated charger). The problem was that at daytime when the solar panel was giving power, the whole circuit stated to oscillate between on and off states. I put a 220uF capacitor on the MCU power pins and the problem was solved, the light could charge normally again. I don't know if I had the bad chance to get a detective unit or is poor engineering, that oscillation was causing the light to never charge again after a complete (3.4V) diacharge.

    Risposta 04/10/2021
  • martinplaska Howmany Lumens would you say it is, about 200lm

    Risposta 10/02/2022
  • Dave Note: I have replaced batteries in my older metal/aluminium lights by heating the edge of the front glass and prising the glass plate off the front of the light. The glass is siliconed onto the casing for water proofing. If glass breaks then get a clear glass cut at your local glass window supplier.

    Risposta 18/02/2024
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